Clients of an asset manager benefit from its independent and professional support. The client has an adviser in the asset manager, who represents his interests vis-à-vis the bank and manages his assets, which are still held by a bank and are therefore subject to privileged Swiss depositor protection. In contrast to banks, asset managers are distinguished by the fact that their clear structure allows them to respond more quickly and flexibly to customer needs. The approximately 3'000 Swiss asset managers play an important and active role in the Swiss financial centre and ensure that clients who do not feel that they are receiving the best possible support from banks have an interesting alternative. When working with an asset manager, the term "triangular relationship" is used. This consists of the client, the custodian bank and the asset manager.
An asset management or advisory agreement exists between the client and the asset manager. In addition, the client signs a power of attorney with the bank in favour of the asset manager. This enables the asset manager to carry out transactions and perform his investment activities. However, the asset manager does not receive the right to execute payments for the client or to cause postponements of assets which are outside the asset class or to make payments. The relationship between the customer and the Bank is limited to account and custody account management and the settlement of the transactions that arise. The asset manager uses the bank's systems to carry out the work.
If you as a client have several banking relationships, you will receive a contact person for all relationships through cooperation with an asset manager. This enables consolidated management, risk and cost analysis of all assets.